Monday, December 28, 2009

some new additions...

three new additions today to my etsy shop...

a bundle of roses...a small piece where i was attempting something new...i'm still not sure how i feel about it though...

my second snowflake attempt...trying another look at the snowflake look i went with the first time...but some new colors :)

and my second skyline...i absolutely loved the first one and sold it the same day i listed it! :) so i thought id try another attempt at the idea but add some new colors..i'm pretty pleased!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Welcome to my world...

How do you even start a blog? I honestly never thought I would be a "blogger" but here goes....?

I think mostly my change of heart in regard to blogging has come from wanting to be able to talk about my work and anything related to art and not bore my husband to death...

So welcome...this is me. Hopefully I'll be updating frequently enough to show sneak peaks, inspiration, ideas, thoughts, and works in progress...those sort of things